Train up the child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
- Proverbs 22:6
Calvary Baptist School is founded on the belief that all wisdom and knowledge comes from God. We believe each child is a gift from God to us and as such strive to nurture their spiritual, physical, and academic development in becoming well-rounded individuals in the world He has created for them.
For almost 60 years, Calvary Baptist School has focused on excellence in education that is encompassed in a Christian environment while meeting the individual needs of each student. Calvary Baptist School's goal is to teach students the Word of God while educating them in a traditional setting using a strong, accelerated and advanced curriculum. We provide quality education through the A Beka and Bob Jones University Press curricula for students three years of age through the Ninth Grade. Our Calvary Baptist School teachers are academically qualified and dedicated Christians, faithfully serving the Lord within their church and community. Our goal is to provide a role model for each student - exhibiting genuine care, personal attention, guidance, and spiritual direction. We strive to keep a low student-teacher ratio in our classrooms that enables us to invest more time with each student.
Create an atmosphere of academic excellence in a Christian environment.
Develop a Biblical perspective on life through studying Christian principles.
Create a learning environment in which respect, self-worth and self-expression are encouraged.
Provide opportunities for students to implement appropriate skills for life experiences.
Promote civic responsibility, namely: patriotism, democratic principles and respect for authority.
Provide a role model for each student - exhibiting genuine care, personal attention, guidance, and spiritual direction.
Minister to the students' families and the surrounding community.
Collaborate in harmony with personnel and parents to achieve these objectives.
Calvary Baptist School is proud to be one of the first private schools to incorporate a state of the art security system. You can have peace of mind knowing that your child is in a safe environment as they are nurtured spiritually, physically and academically.